Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wowzers where did summer go!?!?!?!?!

Summer has flown right past us & it's time again to start a new school year! Lots of changes are happening in our house: new curriculum, new chore list, new schedule for everyone!

We are super excited about this new school year, since I got the box in the mail 2 weeks ago I have heard nothing but "can we start today" "I wish we would start school" etc! It has been AWESOME!!! We went to the library last week to get the books we'll need for our fist week of school (yea we'll have them for an extra week but that's ok) the girl have been devouring them!!!

We will be starting with VIKINGS, a TIMELINE and a STATE POSTCARD exchange!!! All of which we are really excited to begin!

I've almost got everything ready to go....just need to finish cutting out the timeline pieces & getting them colored :) I'll do a few each week. 

As it's been FOREVER since I've posted LOL (I'm gonna try to be schedule.. We'll see how that works lol) Let's get you caught up on what's been going on here:

Let's start with March/April 2014:
      ~I spent about 5 weeks in the hospital & ended up having corrective surgery on my intestines (I have Chron's disease)  Surgery was on April 9th, came home on the 14th *ouch* almost a 4 hr drive!!! *ouch*
      ~ On March 30th one of our goats (Ariel) had a super cute buckling (Billy the Kid)! (While I was in the hospital :( I missed the whole thing!!!)  

Billy the Kid
(Mom Ariel in the back ground)
May 2014

Billy the Kid
May 2014
     ~ Had a strewn of kittens during April & May
      ~ June was pretty quiet....we did celebrate D-Bugs 6th birthday!!! Yes you read that right SIX!!!!
      ~ Lots of fun in July... Independence Day Celebration, Family Reunion, County Fair!!!! FUNNEL CAKES!!!! YUMMY!!!! And we had TWINS!!!! Yep sure enough TWO BOYS!!!! Flash & Spark were born on July 1st!!!! Our momma goat Liberty did a wonderful job of birthing them in LESS than 20 mins!!! (go figure I ran to the house & the girls wanted a snack, so by time we got back out there the boys were here!!! So YEP I missed it all AGAIN!!! LOL There's always next year!!!!)

Flash & Spark
July 2014
      ~ Ducklings!!!! You may not be able to count them all...but there are 25 ducklings there with momma, there are 2 sets of ducklings: 12 were hatched the end of July & 13 were hatched & given to us the beginning of August
      ~ Here we are in August: K-Dog just celebrated her 8th Birthday!!! I can hardly believe I have an EIGHT year old!!! Crazy!!! I'm NOT that OLD yet!!! LOL 

Well time marches on & I will have to leave you all at that! God bless & have a wonderful day!!!