Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Looking forward

As we begin 2012 my mind is full of wild & crazy thoughts of how to make our lives better for my children. K-Dog (5) started Kindergarten in August 2011, she has had a rough go & actually dislikes going to school. She asked many times over Christmas break if she could stay home & not have to go back to school where the kids are mean to her. So as I sit here today, on this mild January day, I have been researching homeschooling the girls.
I researched this once before & when I talked to family & friends about it, everyone said they didn't think I could do it. Now that I am reading more & talking to other moms I even have more faith in myself than I did before. Hubby is also behind me with homeschooling & we are looking into finding a KJV Bible based curriculum to teach the girls with.
I am very excited & I can hardly wait for this school year to end so we can start homeschooling this fall!!!
We will allow D-Bug to finish her preschool, as the preschool is Christian based & she does need to learn to NOT be so attached to mom. She will start Kindergarten at home the fall of 2013.
K-Dog will most-likely finish Kindergarten at the public school & start homeschooling with 1st grade.
We have found KJV Bible based curriculum that we think we will be using & we are very excited about this!
There will hopefully be many more post as I begin my "Blogging" into the world of homeschooling!
Praying for God's wisdom to show us the path to take.

~♥~ Momma Sie

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