Tuesday, March 6, 2012


As our new beginnings continue, we have added these lovely baby chickens!
These beautiful babies are about 2 weeks old!
There are 11 Rainbow Layers & 7 Red Sex Link Chicks
For a grand total of 18 baby chickens!!!

I am so ready for them to start laying eggs! The girls are excited to see all the colors! We should have all sorts of colors: from browns to blues to greens & possibly even PINK!!! Sadly we may have to wait as long as 20 weeks for our first egg! *well boo*
I have been working on the hubby for over 6 years on getting chickens! I really think he just decided to give up the fight! LOL poor guy I love him so much & he spoils me rotten!

So now for the hard part, getting a chicken coop all figured out & built....I have many ideas (thanks to Pinterest.com) Now just to combine all my ideas into ONE realistic idea. 

This will be a great way to help teach the girls about baby animals & how animals grow & reproduce & also about the foods we eat. We will also be able to go over our colors & counting! YAY!!

On a side note, It has been so windy here- I think we are in the middle of our 2nd week of non stop wind during the day! UGH!!!

Back to getting ready for more New Beginnings!


  1. Yay for chickens! :-) I think we finally have our coop figured out...now to get it built! I think we are going to Home Depot for supplies first.
    I'm so tired of the wind too!!!

    1. I really need to get on the ball with my coop design... I have so many ideas I just know I will be changing my mind during the whole process of designing & building & then after it's built I'm sure I'll add changes to it as I see fit LOL
      I hope you guys have a safe trip & I hope the wind doesn't blow you there & back :)
