Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

So my MeMaw sent me a box full of Gluten Free products when I first found out I have Celiac Disease (Jan 2012). It was full of crackers & pastas & mixes! I've used some of it, mostly the crackers & pasta - and can I say YUM-O on the pasta!!! That will have to be a blog of it's own! LOL (there ya go a little something to keep you coming back!)
Well today I decided I was going to try the Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix she sent.
Betty Crocker Gluten Free Cookie Mix

All you add is 1 stick of butter (softened not melted) - 1 tsp gluten free vanilla - & 1 egg

It makes a very crumbly mix (this is about a third of the mix as I decided to take pictures after the first batch was cooked & the 2nd batch was in the oven)

The first batch of baked cookies! They were a little "gooey" so on the 2nd & 3rd batches I increased the time by 2 mins & they came out lots better!

They are pretty thin & do have a "grainy" texture but with a tall glass of milk, you don't even notice!

D-Bug & I give these 2 thumbs up!!!

Here's to New Beginnings & healthy foods!

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