Monday, May 14, 2012

Fluffy butt to Coop!

We have had some very busy days/nights/weeks over the last couple of months & I can FINALLY say that the Chicken coop side (& run) of the new building is up & functional!!! Our chicks are very happy with their new home! I think pictures do a much better job of telling about our coop than do words . . . .

From the tiny beginnings of 2 & 3 week old chicks . . . .

To having "play-times" outside . . . . 

& spending nights in the garage . . . . . 2 separate pens . . . . 

One sunny day the walls began to go up!
(North side - aka back side of the building)

(South side - aka front side of building, where the door & window will be)

(West side)

Outgrowing our pens in the garage - moved outside . . . 

Watching as the roof beams go up!

(From inside the NW corner looking SE you can see where the window will be placed)

Watching as the tin siding goes up!
YAY We have WALLS!!!

Moving INDOORS!!! The inside of the building was split in half - half for chicken coop & half for storage & dog/cat feeding station . . . .

. . . Rose checking out a weed . . .

Roo-pert laying in the dirt with his girls!

Smart hens roost in color pattern
Black-white-red-white-red-white-red-black (SPACE Roo-pert supervising)

My wonderful hubby putting up the chicken wire over the top of  the run!
I love that man!!!

Looking inside (kinda) at the door to the chicken coop & their window!

A few of the girls enjoying a warm spring morning in their finished run! 

Again . . .

Here we see the gate (Left side of the picture) & Louise heading inside . . . 

Looking into the coop from the unfinished storage side of the building . . . 

The coop door . . . .

The coop window & what will be the "hospital room/brooder" once the cat (yes cat) learns to love the outside & no more breaking of family loved & passed down lamps (yes I am very angry at the cat)

My oh so friendly girls!
(loving the sweats & boots right!?!)
A few of the girls hanging out on the floor roost
(need to build & place permanent roost for the girls but this works "ok" for now)

. . . Rose telling me I'm not paying enough attention to her . . . .

So she stands on the toe of my boot!

"HELLO!!!! Do you see me!!!"
(I have 7 black hens so I haven't named any of them as they all look alike!!!)

Louise & Snippy heading out the door....
(we are working on a slide door for the girls - right now we just block them in with a big framed window that is screwed into the wall)

Enjoying the weeds D-Bug & I pulled for them....

And to think this all started because I feel in love with some fluffy butt chicks at the feed store!!!

In about 2-3 more months we should be seeing our first eggs!!! So excited!!!

On new beginning on to the next!

Happy Belated Mothers day to all!!!!

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